Piddling around
Definition: To use triflingly; squander: piddle away one's time.
Like most everyone, Saturday is my favorite day of the week. I can sleep in because the office is closed or I can get up early. I can normally spend that day doing whatever I feel like doing. I can have plans or have absolutely no plans whatsoever!
I normally spend some time reading blogs..... Pink Saturday posts are a favorite. Pippa and I enjoyed some this morning. Someone posted about a Hello Kitty billfold. We thought that was cute.

We needed to see what was going on with Hurricane Irene too though. Pippa was quite concerned.
Yes, sweet little Pippa was worried about the little man on the beach and wondered if he was OK. She wondered how he and the entire beach got inside the box on the desk.
We did a little facebook chatting and took my son to work. I went grocery shopping and while I did that thought about actually cooking good things to eat this week. I somehow avoided the parts of Walmart that didn't sell food!
Check out this cute vintage Goodwill find from last weekend...... It sums up why I bought the rotisserie chicken and haven't cooked anything today.
Came home, had lunch, took a little cat nap. (Well, Pippa had a cat nap and I had person nap) Then it was time to pick up my son from work.
After that, there was sweeping and vacumning to do. Pippa wasn't much help with any of that.
I always think if my house is clean, maybe I will feel like taking pictures and blogging. Does anyone else go through this, all conditions must be perfect dilemma that keeps me from blogging very often?
The light is so poor in my house (There's a wonderful shade tree out in front of my window) that I opened the door to add some natural light.
Pippa tried to make a break for it. But she's too young yet to be allowed outside so that was short lived.
It's also 100 degrees here today!! It's awful!
Hurricanes are much worse than heat, of course and I hope our friends to the Northeast will come through the storm with minimal damage. We are praying for them.
I wish Irene would have at least thought to send us a breeze though...
Well, this is probably one of the most random postings ever...
I finally got a few pink pictures....
I've been painting picture frames again. The larger frame is an antique that once was my grandmother's. The color of the frame was nearly black from years of dirt and smoke... just too much "patina" for me. I like it light and bright. I painted two of these larger antique frames and two of the smaller ones that I got on ebay.
The print in the larger frame is from my days working at Victoria's Secret in the early 90's... Back when they were more about romance and Victoriana than supermodels and fashion shows...
I probably got it for 40% off of a 50% mark down with my discount... I loved working there.
Being random again, I know.
Take a look at my kitchen window....
I purchased the dotted swiss lower tier curtains on etsy a while back and added the ball fringe. I needed a valance though, and wanted something that would allow light into the kitchen but add color as well as have that vintage element.
I've been collecting aprons since the early 90's.. Yes, I was vintage, when vintage wasn't cool.... ;-)
My doll of a friend, Jennifer Hayslip, recently posted here about her kitchen do-over. Her use of vintage linens pinned up with clothes pins inspired me to hang some aprons up in the same way.
I LOVE the look! Jennifer has such great taste and such originality. If you don't know her blog, you are missing out. Check it out!
This spice rack and these bottles were thrift store finds that I added to my kitchen recently. I'm planning to add little labels and make these bottles just for baking spices... Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger, Allspice, Cream of Tartar, Nutmeg, etc. It will be fun finding those... I do love to bake.
One last pink thing I discovered lately....
I got a beautiful pair of pink rose throw pillows on Only $19.00 for the pair! They are so well made and the material looks and feels like white linen. Looks so beautiful and inviting in my old wicker chair.
I'm off to do more piddling because the night is young....
Good evening from Georgia....
I am thinking about my East Coast friends and all of those people in the path of Hurricane Irene and hoping for the best outcome.
Pippa says bye-bye for now too!
Please check out the other Pink Saturday Participants at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound

I'm recycling this post for Share the Love Wednesday at Very Merry Vintage Style too!!